God's Perfect Plan

Our Lenten Reflection 2020 (36) Wk. 6 ~Jn 13:21-33, 36-38.

Reclining at the table with his disciples, Jesus was deeply troubled and testified, "Amen, amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me". (13:21)

It is very important to note here that Jesus was "deeply troubled". This show's His humanity. It's not that Jesus was personally offended or angered by Judas' betrayal. Rather, it's that Jesus' heart burned with a deep sorrow at the loss of Judas whom He loved with a perfect love.

Reflect, today, upon the love Jesus had for Judas. His love for Judas, was more than Judas' sin, that brought so much pain into Jesus' Heart. Reflect, also, on the love Jesus has for you. Ponder whether or not His Heart is also troubled as a result of the actions in your life. Be honest and do not make excuses. 

Doing this will also inturn bring much consolation and peace, it will also inturn bring much consolation to the Heart of our Divine Lord. He loves you and is waiting for you to come to Him this Holy Week. ~Reflect-with-Dominic.

Augustine C. Oparah.


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