Steps to the Holy Spirit...Worth Taking?

Jesus said to Nicodemus: “‘You must be born from above.’  The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”  John 3:7–8

In this passage, Jesus offers an image of how the Holy Spirit works in us.  He analogizes the Holy Spirit to the wind.  We can hear the wind blowing but cannot see it.  We do, however, perceive the effects of the wind.  For example, when you see a tree swaying, you know that the wind is blowing. So it is with the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Though we may not be able to tangibly perceive where the Holy Spirit comes from, we will be able to see the effects of the Spirit.  When we perceive a new strength within us, or an increase in virtues, or an ability to forgive, etc., we are aware of the fact that the Holy Spirit is present, leading us, transforming us and guiding us.

The Holy Spirit leads us in every moment but does not typically reveal our whole future.  We must be content to be led by the daily gentle presence of God, allowing ourselves to be moved here and there. This requires much trust and abandonment. 

Reflect, today, upon the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.  Look for the effects of the Holy Spirit to discern whether or not you are being truly led by God.  Allow yourself to be led and moved by the Breath of God and anticipate great things in your life.

Dominic C.C (ISMN)


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