Subtlety Of Life

How dear and subtle life can be
Our love for riches all can see
Seeking refuge in the hive like the bee
Who knows from whence our help ensues?

The mind of  lay-men so below
To find riches they go for bread
The mind of the wisemen so aglow
Their grind's beyond the  breadth of bread

Who knows the man behind the bars?
Who knows the cause of all his fears?
He's just as guilty all the same
Loving bread beyond home's key

His love for bread has robbed  his psyche
A wretch he is, cos so he thinks
His freedom just within his reach
He's so brainwashed, he goes for bread
And just betrayed his right to funds

The key to freedom so within
We often seek it so afar
To thee who read me, it's so unique
Soften your mind around the bars
The key just lies within your reach
Your intellect is that your key.

©Dominic C.C


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